

Министерство образования Республики Беларусь

отдел по образованию Климовичского райисполкома

 Государственное учреждение образования "Средняя школа №1 г. Климовичи"


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статистика посещений





"The Turnip"







учитель иностранных языков

Герасичкина Наталья Петровна




 Внеклассное мероприятие в 6 классе



Образовательные: повышение интереса учащихся к предмету «Английский язык»;

Развивающие: 1. развитие навыков самостоятельной работы;

2. развитие индивидуальных (интеллектуальных и коммуникативных) способностей учащихся;

Воспитательные: 1. развитие у учащихся умения общаться друг с другом при организации и проведении внеклассного мероприятия;

2. дать возможность каждому учащемуся реализовать свои творческие возможности.

Оборудование: картинки, костюмы.


Grandfather (Grandpa)

Grandmother (Grandma)

Masha, Granddaughter




Scene I

(The characters dig the ground, and plant the seeds singing.)

Digging, digging.

This is how we dig the ground

In the garden, in the garden

Early in the morning.

Planting, planting.

This is how we plant the seeds

In the garden, in the garden

Early in the morning.

(Everybody is tired, the cat and the dog begin to play, the others sit down on the bench to have a rest.)

Grandpa: Let's go and have some tea.

Cat: With milk?

Granpa: Yes, with milk.

Grandma: It's very good.

Masha: It's wonderful.

Cat: It's very nice.

Dog: OK.

Mice: All right.

Scene II

Growing, growing,

This is how the seeds will grow

In the garden, in the garden

Early in the morning.

(Grandpa comes in. He looks at the vegetables and counts.)

Grandpa: One potato,

Two potatoes,

Three potatoes,

Five potatoes,

Six potatoes.

Seven potatoes more.

Bad one. (He throws it away. Then Grandpa says "Carrots", "Cabbages" and counts again. At last he sees a turnip.) What a big turnip it is! That's great! (He tries to pull it out.) Up! Down! Aside! Oh, sit down! (Sits on the bench.) Granny! Come here!

Grandma: I'm coming. (Sees the turnip.) Oh, what a nice turnip! Let's try to pull it out.

Grandpa and Grandma (together): Up! Down!

The more we get together, together, together,

the more we get together, the happier we are!

For your friends are my friends, and my friends are your friends.

The more we get together, the happier we are!

Aside! Sit down! (Sit on the bench.)

Grandpa: Is Masha at home?

Grandma: No, she is out.

Grandpa: Where is she?

Grandma: She is at the dance club.

Grandpa: Then let's go and have some tea.

Grandma: All right.

Scene III

Masha: Hi! My name is Masha. I am eleven. My hobby is dancing. Look! I dance well. (She dances.)

Scene IV

(Grandpa, Grandma and Masha appear.)

Grandpa: Let's try to pull the turnip out again.

Everybody (together): Up! Down! Aside! Sit down!

Grandpa: Let's call Zhuchka.

Grandpa, Grandma and Masha (together): Zhuchka! Zhuchka! Come here! Help us!

Zhuchka: Bow-wow! I'm coming. Hi! Nice to meet you. I'm Zhuchka. I'm a very clever dog. My hobby is music. I can play the accordion well.

Everybody (trying to pull the turnip out): Up! Down! Aside! Sit down!

Grandpa: Let's call Murka.

Everybody (together): Murka! Murka! Come here! Help us, please.

Murka: How do you do? My name is Murka. I'm three years old. And now I have three kittens. I love them very much. Would you like to listen to a poem about me?

Everybody (together): Yes, tell us the poem.


Pussy cat, pussy cat,

Where have you been?

I've been to London

To look at the queen.

Pussy cat, pussy cat,

What did you do there?

I frightened a little mouse

Under her chair.

Everybody (trying to pull the turnip out again): Up! Down! Aside! Oh, sit down!

Grandpa: Let's call the mice.

Everybody (together): Mice! Mice! Come here! Help us!

Mice: Hallo! We are mice. We are brothers! We like sports and dances. (They dance.)

Everybody (trying to pull the turnip out): One, two, three, four. We have pulled the turnip out! We've pulled it out! The turnip is nice.

(Everybody is singing.)

Eating, eating,

This is how we'll eat the turnip

In the garden, in the garden.

Eating, eating,

This is how we'll eat the turnip

Early in the morning.






                           УпрОбрМогОблИсполкома       МГОИРО                    

        Кніга Памяць                                 









Адрес:213633 Могилевская область, г. Климовичи, ул. Старовойтова, д.3

 Телефон ( факс) :375-2244-7-80-42

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